List Control Methods


UX component methods for working with List.


_filterList Method

Performs a server-side query to filter and/or sort the data in a List that is based on a SQL, DBF, or custom data source.

_getDirtyLists Method

Returns an array of the Lists that are dirty.

_getListForDetailViewControl Method

Returns the name of the List control for the specified column name if the column is referenced in a Detail View.

_hasDirtyLists Method

Returns true if any List on the UX is dirty.

_isControlInDetailView Method

Returns true if the colName is inside the Detail View of any List on the UX.

_listFetchMore Method

Gets the next 'page' of data in a List that has been configured to use 'Fetch More' pagination.

_listFetchRecordsByKey Method

Appends records to the end of the list.

_listGetElement Method

Gets a pointer to an individual control in a List row, allowing you to manipulate its properties using Javascript.

_listMoveAllRows Method

Moves all rows from one List control to another List control.

_listMoveCurrentSelection Method

Moves selected rows from one List control to another List control.

_listNavigate Method

Navigates to the next/previous 'page' of data in a List that has been configured to use pagination. List must be configured as paginated.

_listNavigateRecord Method

Navigates by record in the specified direction: first, previous, next, or last.

_listNavigateToPage Method

Navigates to an explicit page number. (List must be configured as paginated.)

_listRefreshCascadingLists Method

Refreshes the data in child List controls that are dependent on the data in this List control.

_listRefreshRecordsByKey Method

Refreshes the data in the List for the specified records.

_listRefreshRow Method

Refreshes the data in the current row of a List control.

_listRemoveAllRows Method

Removes all rows from a List control.

_listRemoveSelectedRows Method

Removes the currently selected row(s) from a List control.

_listShiftPositionSelectedRows Method

Reorders the items in a List by shifting the selected rows in the specified direction.

_refreshListData Method

Refreshes the data in a List control.

computeSearchFromMetaDataAndFilterList Method

Performs a server-side query to filter/sort the data in a List based on a SQL data source.

countRecordsToSynch Method

Returns an object with properties showing the number of records that have not yet been synchronized with the server.

getListClientSideSummaryValue Method

If the List definition specified that client-side summary values should be computed for any of the fields in the list, retrieves the summary value.

getListData Method

Gets a Javascript array (as an array of objects) with all of the data in the specified List control.

getListServerSideSummaryValue Method

If the List definition specified that server-side summary values should be computed for any of the fields in the list, retrieves the summary value.

listColumnSelector Method

Displays a pick-list of all columns in the currently active columnar List layout. Clicking items in the pick-list toggles a column's visibility.

listGetValue Method

Get the value of a column in a List control.

persistListColumnLayout Method

Persists the column layout for the specified List control.

populateUXControls Method

Populates the Detail View controls for all Lists in a UX Component.

refreshListData Method

Refreshes data in a List control.

refreshListsIncremental Method

Perform an incremental refresh of all List controls in the UX Component.

restoreListColumnLayout Method

Restores a previously saved column layout for the specified List control.

saveListEdits Method

Synchronizes edits that have been made to the List (and any of its child Lists).

setListColumnsAndPopulate Method

Dynamically sets the columns in a List and populates the List.

setListTemplateAndPopulate Method

Dynamically sets the template for a freeform List control and populates the List with data.

submitListDataAndMediaFiles Method

Submit edited rows in a List to a server, but first upload media files to the Alpha Anywhere server or to Amazon S3.

synchronizeLists Method

Synchronizes all Lists. This method calls the [{dialog.object}.saveListEdits()] method for each List in the component.

See Also